FY 2022 - 2023

Title: Source-sector NOx emissions analysis with sub-kilometer scale airborne observations in Houston during TRACER-AQ
Institution(s) Represented: The George Washington University (PI: Daniel Goldberg), Ramboll (Co-PI: Greg Yarwood)

Title: Quantifying the Emissions and Spatial/Temporal Distributions of Consumer Volatile Chemical Products (VCPs) in the Greater Houston Area
Institution(s) Represented: Texas A&M University (PI: Yue Zhang, Co-PI: Qi Ying)

Title: Refining Ammonia emission using inverse modeling and satellite observations over Texas and the Gulf of Mexico and investigating its effect on fine particulate matter
Institution(s) Represented: University of Houston (PI: Yunsoo Choi)

Title: Dallas Field Study (DFS); Ozone Precursors, Local Sources and Remote Transport Including Biomass Burning
Institution(s) Represented: Aerodyne Research, Inc. (PI: Edward Fortner)

Title: Modeling analysis of TRACER-AQ and over-water Measurements to improve prediction of on-land and offshore ozone
Institution(s) Represented: University of Houston (PI: Yuxuan Wang, Co-PI: James Flynn), St. Edward's University (Co-PI: Paul Walter)

Title: Hydrogen Cyanide for Improved Identification of Fire Plumes in the (BC)2 Network
Institution(s) Represented: Aerodyne Research, Inc. (PI: Tara Yacovitch), Baylor University (Co-PIs: Rebecca Sheesley, Sascha Usenko)

Title: Evaluating the Ability of Statistical and Photochemical Models to Capture the Impacts of Biomass Burning Smoke on Urban Air Quality in Texas
Institution(s) Represented: Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc (AER) (PI: Matthew Alvarado